Space-X Launched 60 starlink satellites into orbit on April 22! Whats Next?
By Naveen kumar dwivedi
Let’s talk about the 60 Starlink satellites that Space-X just launched in a groundbreaking mission. But
more than that do you know why this mission is such a big deal. I mean they are just satellites right?
Surely we already have plenty of satellites around our orbit by now? Since the launch of first satellite
Sputnik in the year 1957, around 8,378 satellites have been sent to space I didn’t say, it is as per the data
by UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs). These days there are 4,994 satellites in
orbit, out of which only 7 are revolving around planets other than earth by other I mean mercury, Venus
& mars. Here is the thing though Space-X has just started an amazing long term mission. Not for any
other launch provider, but for themselves. This amazing set of missions aims to create a super low latency
telecommunications network. And how are they going to do this? Not by launching just these 60
satellites, which is amazing by itself, but by launching around 12,000 satellites in three sophisticated
orbital shells around the world. Well one Starlink satellite’s cost is about $1 million in INR 7.5 crores
(approx.), so do the math 60 launched. 11,940 and many more to go…
What we are reading today is an announcement of ELON MUSK in 2015 regarding low cost global
communication.There are some rumors and misconceptions about starlink satellites & 5G but I conclude
for the benefit of everybody whining about 5G, aside from the fact that 5G is in no way harmful, the 5G
frequency is 24.25 gigahertz. The Starlink satellites, on the other hand, will transmit at between 3.4 and
4.2 gigahertz. Starlink has nothing to do with 5G.
What we should be thinking about now is, when can we get internet from space with no censor from our
government? Well there is also a part that some are thinking that Launching satellites while the crash in
economy, not bad but space-X is a private limited company.
That Elon Musk previously said “the cost of user terminals will be $100–$300(Rs 7,500-22,700) and
we have reason to believe Starlink satellite internet will cost somewhere around $80(Rs 6,000) a month”.
So there’s a reason to believe the internet business may go through some drastic ups and downs after the
vision success of space-X as it has always been except 2006 The first SpaceX launch fails just 33 seconds
after lift-off. Also onboard was Space-X’s first payload for NASA. This third failure almost killed the
company. It was saved, just a day after the crash by billionaire Peter Thiel, the company’s first outside
investor. Since June 2010, rockets from the Falcon 9 family have been launched 86 times, with 84 full
mission successes, one partial failure and one total loss of spacecraft.
Conclusion that space-X is going to be a e changer in the internet business globally and we can relate it to
JIO overtaking network business in india among other network companies. Apart from all these space is
amazing. The sheer vastness of it, along with the trillions upon trillions of objects in the many billion
galaxies of the universe is almost incomprehensible to the human brain.
Here’s the Fact -: A Full NASA Space Suit Costs $12,000,000(approx. Rs 90.8 crores)
While the entire suit costs a cool $12m, 70% of that cost is for the backpack and control module.
Space is quite amazing. To know how vast it is? Stay connected to us! SRI