By – Shashank Vissom
We Humans were born on Earth, but we were never meant to die here.
Interstellar- The Movie
Space, vast void of intergalactic dust, matter and what not. We as humans always think of space to a “Black, Empty and Endless”. What astonishes me is the fact that how much we earthlings have discovered Space and what progress have we made in finding out truth of what actually lies there. We humans have definitely made progress in reaching out to space but where has it taken us? What have we achieved from this? Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are probably one such advanced machines humans have created which have wandered off into deep space, finding what? Dependency of Machine’s and Mechanics need to improve. What is truly important to understand is the perspective of space. Before we can act upon any kind of policy or implementation of any adjoining bill, it is very essential to shift our views totally on a planetary perspective. This is an important aspect to help us solve problems what we earthlings are facing.
Space 2030: What are we yet to experience?
We are definitely better off to see some humongous, Heavy space Launch Vehicles (HLV) take off, escaping earth’s gravitational pull with less effort and with an efficient approach. One event where all the space fanatics are agitated is about “First Humans on the Martian Surface”. Now why this is exciting is because back when the first lunar landing happened, the technology which was used was barely of any help when it is compared to that of what is being used today. The amount of research activities which can be carried out using the current technology is boundless. This space voyage to planet Mars, which most of us are looking forward to experience is nevertheless one of the most important endeavours of mankind as we Earthlings can find out what it is like living on other planets and how we can adapt to different environments. Journeys to various Asteroids is also on the books as the main object of these missions is to find the composition of the Asteroid, what it was made, its journey through space and most importantly to find whether it supported any form of life. There were previous expeditions to various asteroids but the factor of technological improvements will be crucial in exploring space.
We are going back to the Moon! Yes, you read that right. Nearly after 50 years, Chandrayaan-2 was the start to lunar expeditions worldwide. Though Chandrayaan-2 failed to accomplish its mission, it was a start of which is going to be another era where various moon missions to take place. We’ll also witness space vehicles taking people into space and also high speed journeys around the planet. From exploring the climatic aspects and availing High Speed Internet, we will see a drift change back here on earth. A Worldwide access to improvements in broadband would help to bring development and boost the economy. Space science will continue to make great advances. Finding new planets, galaxies maybe even sign of extra-terrestrial life beyond planet earth. Slight sign of other materials maybe found on asteroids, celestial moons and many more endeavours. By this time, we may have even found life on other planets as well.
One thing what we need to understand is that there are billions and billions of Planets, Systems, Galaxies embedded within our universe. We are totally isolated with what we are to encounter. We are at this assumption that we are the only ones in our Solar System (or) Galaxy, that we do not know yet. We are probably not sure of what we are going to encounter. We need to start exploring our universe. Humans definitely are very adaptive to changes and we need to look into that perspective. We are probably the only ones in this universe or we aren’t the only ones, both of which are chilling to think off.