By-Bishu jana
In the year of 1965, we took the first close-up picture of Mars from the voyages satellite.
When imagining locations where extraterrestrial life could potentially be possible, few places
inspire the imagination like one of Earth’s closest neighbours. For many years, man has looked t
mars and imagined it could be the new home for many living beings. Since, from many years a
human tries to know more about the red planet but it was not possible due to lack of technological
advancement and knowledge.

We feel that there are so many chances of the existence of life on Mars. Various missions to the red
planet have sought to determine the probability of such evolution of life.
But one question is always arises in the minds of everyone. How likely is life on Mars?
When it comes to subject of life. Many astrobiologists agree that water is vital for the initialisation
of life. All forms of terrestrial life requires water. This raises a problem on Mars. The planet today is
dry and barren with most of water locked up in the polar ice caps. Mars has thinnest atmosphere
that allows radiation from the sun to irradiate the surface of the planet adding to the hazards’
environmental changes.

With the help of the above mentioned image. You can see the difference between the surfaces of
both mars and earth . Earth orbits sun from an ideal distance. Where the conditions are adequate
enough to support the existence of life. But if we talk about Mars. The planet Mars is the fourth
planet from the Sun just behind the Earth. The red planet Mars orbits the sun but the conditions are
not adequate enough to support the existence of life. Because, Mars orbit the sun from that Zone.
Where sun rays are not capable enough to warm the planet as much as the planet needs to deal
with life.

Mariner 9 was launched successfully on May 30, 1971 and it was the first artificial satellite for Mars
When it comes to orbit and landing on mars. Mariner 8 and 9 were the third and final pair of Mars
missions in NASA’s Mariner series of the 1960’s and early 1970’s.
When it reaches to mars Mariner 8 failed during launch on May 8,1971. Mariner 9 was launched
successfully on May 30,1971. Mariner 9 complete its final destination to mars on October 27, 1972.
Mariner 9 observed that a great dust storm was obstructing the whole globe of the planet. Which
obstructs all camera’s of the lander.Just because, of dust storm Mariner 9 had to face a lot problems.
From Mariner 9 we got so much information about the possibilities of life on mars. Mariner 9 did a
lot of researches on soil of Mars. From the data Mars has some Microorganisms which is very
similar to earth’s Microorganisms. Some scientists believe’s that one day we can terraform the Mars
to support the conditions for life. It may take sometimes, but it makes the clear vision about the
mars for future Times.