Space Reneissance Indian Chapter (E) is an indigenous non profit wing of Space Renaissance (SRI) International and it’s registered under SRI Only.
Space Renaissance is a new, global philosophy, having its basic ground on Earth and its natural development in extraterrestrial space.
Our founding concepts are New Humanism and Astro Humanism. We look to the past Renaissance (1500) as an inspiration for our heritage and capacity to aim high. We accomplish great projects by means of good will and mutual cooperation.
Space Renaissance is part of the Renaissance, the current stage of the Renaissance, begun in 1500.
Among our scopes:
- to expand Civilization beyond the boundaries of our Mother Planet.
- to support the development of Civilian Astronautics, by urgently developing reusable passenger-carrying launch vehicles.
- to join together all of the space advocacy organizations of Planet Earth, in order to talk loudly to the large public opinion.
- to give birth to a Foundation.
- to build Space Renaissance Academy, a great school for baccalaureates, masters and doctorates.
- to build the philosophy and the culture of the Space Age, completing the Copernican Revolution, to help the New Renaissance of Humanity in Space.
- to bring the Space Renaissance philosophy and proposals to the attention of the public.
- to promote investment, new financial resources and government sponsorship.
- to support the new space economy, industry and research.
- To promote the development of Low Cost Access to Earth Orbit
- To build the philosophy and culture of the Space Age, to help the New Renaissance of Humanity in Space.
- To bring the Space Renaissance philosophy and proposals to the large public attention.
- To promote investments, new financial tools and government grants, to support the new space economy industry and research.
- To build the Space Renaissance Academy, a great international, philosophical and scientific school.
We call all of the sincere astronautic humanists on Earth to join us or give birth to local national chapters of the Space Renaissance International.
Hi! I am Jyoti Ranjan from India, a Space educator, I want to introduce Space education in schools. I organise Space exhibitions and Workshops in schools, museums and other institutions. I also intend to start Astronomy/Space club in educational institutions. I am also writing a book on Space stories for school children.
I want to be associated with your esteemed organisation and start Mumbai chapter, in Maharashtra , India.