Violent thunderstorms on Jupiter By Aakash. Thunderstorms on Jupiter are so strong that ammonia-rich hail known as “mushballs” may fall from the sky. New observations from NASA’s Juno spacecraft at the gas giant planet […]
A New Global Philosophy
Violent thunderstorms on Jupiter By Aakash. Thunderstorms on Jupiter are so strong that ammonia-rich hail known as “mushballs” may fall from the sky. New observations from NASA’s Juno spacecraft at the gas giant planet […]
By- Mansi ( Part of Space renaissance India)Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one can’t live in a cradle forever.” It is the natural instinct ofthe human brain to […]
Oh moon!Betwixt the hour of dark,I stand under your glint bewitchedYour gleam an oath to a finer morrowSurmounting glooms of earth dwellersOh moon! Our lone heavenly body,Your diurnal arrival without […]
‘Sun Clock’ quantifies extreme house weather switch on/off times. By Naveen Kumar Dwivedi June 16, 2020 Source – https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/spaceweather/index.html What is solar activity? A model of the sun’s magnetic field […]
Mysterious Blue light in Sky By Harsh Singh Mine staff in Western Australia’s Pilbara region were left staring skyward in disbelief once a bizarre-coloured fireball streaks through the sky within […]
Earth 2.0: Probability of Discovering Earth-Like Planets Simpler Than Recently Suspected Odds of discovering youthful Earth-like planets higher than recently suspected By Naveen Kumar Dwivedi 11 June, 2020 Source :- […]
COMMERCIAL CREW PROGRAM Credit : Phys.org The commercial crew program is a mission by NASA in association with SpaceX and American Aerospace Boeing, this is mainly a human spaceflight program. […]